It’s got soft petals and a long stem.
It’s kind of yellowish, probably greener than what is let on.
There are millions of them.
Nothing is special about this flower.
It will not make you feel happier.
In fact, it stirs no emotions.
You are not smarter or more enlightened after looking at it.
You couldn’t even describe it to someone if they asked.
Honestly, this flower does not improve the quality of your life in any way.
Even if this photo had an accompanying motivational quote such as ‘Collect Beautiful Moments’ or ‘Believe In Your Ability To Bloom Into Who You’re Meant to Be’, you’d still forget that shit 10 minutes later.
You’d probably be happier if someone just texted you a compliment or asked you how your family is doing.
It’s just a photo of a flower with soft features, much like your inner beauty.
Awwwwwwww, see?
There really was a payoff to this TLDR bullshit.